
Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Operation SDW100 has begun, or at least, I've written a blog post saying I'm starting it...

So I'm a bit rubbish at running at the moment. Ha, who am I kidding, I'm a LOT rubbish.  But it's only to be expected after 6 months of either no running at all or only a very sparse amount. Injury, other more important commitments, sky-high stress levels and the accompanying eating levels have all led me to this point.

With exactly 5 months till the SDW100 I am at my heaviest (pregnancies aside), most unfit and slowest I have been since I started running 10 years ago.  Heavily entrenched in the vicious cycle of comfort eating, eating numbness, tiredness, stress, lost fitness and the negative psychological associations with all that I find myself struggling to WANT to run (it's always forced) and struggling to keep going once I've started.  With all that life is throwing my way just now I miss being fit and feeling healthy. The road back is probably the toughest I have faced so far in my running journey but new years are about new starts and so I have to start somewhere.

So I have exactly 6 months to lose 20lbs in weight to get back to my old running (ie. pre-children) weight, and in that process I will hopefully find my old fitness. I know it's not really about the weight - that's a by-product of the finding fitness process - but that's the easiest way to verbalise and visualise the issue.

So even though my running is rubbish, I like to take a few photos while I'm out.  In general these are much better quality than my runs, but without the runs I wouldn't get the photos - silver linings and all that!


Our big wee star at the Junior Parkrun

Our wee star at the Junior Parkrun